Christine Mayers

                       Christine Mayers



... the place you feel the most comfortable and safe to receive a massage is in your own home. Or perhaps, you are spending time away from home in a hotel or vacation rental on Central Vancouver Island and would love to experience a deeply restorative massage or balancing bodywork?

I am Mobile, so You don't Have to Be!

In Nanaimo and Parksville, BC 

I will arrive with a comfortable thick-cushioned massage table, soft sheets, gentle music, natural oils and lotions, and an array of essential oils. I will set up in an area that provides you with a bit of privacy and feels the most comfortable to you. Areas in your home that work great include a spare bedroom, master bedroom, basement, and living room.

'Healing is not a Science, but the Intuitive Art of Wooing Nature' 

~ W.H.Auden

My passion and ever-evolving work is the intuitive melding of connecting touch, relaxation, energy and fascial bodywork to help harmonize all realms of experience - the physical, emotional, mental and energetic. To offer gentle impulses to help create space for energy to flow and for the body to self-correct.   

We are all very different. We have unique needs at any given moment and we can truly relax and flourish when we feel safe.

Saint Frances de Sales said nothing is as strong as gentleness, and nothing so gentle as real strength. Being someone finely attuned to the welcomed shifts of energy in my own body when I experience touch that feels gentle and safe, I also welcome my seemingly inherent gentleness and energetic receptivity to guide me in creating a safe and nourishing massage experience for you holding the vision that you leave feeling deeply restored and re-aligned in your body and mind. 

We can spend time with anything that is going on for you emotionally or physically. Any pain pattern that you are experiencing. From headaches, neck and shoulder tension, lower back pain to postural misalignment or needing support to bring your body and mind back into balance.   

My Intention is

𖦹 to meet you where you are at and respond to what bubbles up for you during the session while following a fusion of knowledge and intuition to support you. 

𖦹 to listen to you and help create the soil for your body’s intrinsic ability to restore goodness.

𖦹 to take time before your massage, to give space to anything that wants to be shared, how your body is feeling and if there is anything it needs.

Through my own journey and felt-awakenings, I have come more and more into understanding and integration that the body holds our experiences. Many of us feel inside the effects of insecure attachment, sexual, emotional and physical abuse. Opening up to human touch can be a big deal. Perhaps, this is your first massage? All of you is welcome. We can explore any questions and thoughts that may be on your mind together.  


Organicity and honoring the flow of nature fills all aspects of my offerings, including the use of natural oils and soft flannel sheets that were laundered with an organic fragrance free detergent and that underwent probiotic treatment, the new generation of effective and 'pro-life' cleaning.