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body mandala holistic bodywork nanaimo

Working with the Body, Mind and Soul

Craniosacral Therapy

In deep stillness and presence,    the root causes of symptoms can resolve and the body re-organize   to a  greater state of health.

Craniosacral Therapy is a hands-on, energetic, as well as anatomically precise way of connecting with the body that involves very gentle touch. Touch that listens to the person's being and their energy and offers a reflection and container within which the body's innate intelligence emerges and is enabled to initiate a healing process. Through this unimposing gentleness, the body can find its way home. The focus is not on symptoms and disease, but on strenghtening the underlying system in its resources, so the body can release restrictions and restore vitality​.

craniosacral therapy nanaimo vancouver island

The light contact on different parts of the body, the craniosacral fluid, which surrounds our brain and spinal cord allows the practitioner to feel the cranisoacral motion. It moves in unique wave like rhythms that are unique to each one of us. It's movement is refered to as the breath of life. This involuntary motion resides underneath our autonomic rhythms of heart rate, breath, pulse and pulse in a still space.​​

Encouraging the System to Self-Adjust

By interacting with the Craniosacral rhythm and its fluids, the body is able to relax deeply. Restrictions that are held in the body can release. A safe holding space is created enabling the body's innate wisdom to express itself and self-correct, re-integrate trauma and shock and harmonize the different levels of experience. ​​​​​ Craniosacral therapy can benefit a person on many levels because it encompasses the whole being. It commonly brings a feeling of deep relaxation and warmth, as the whole person - their mind and their body begins to engage with the underlying life-force. ​​​Engaging with our underlying life force in this way can​​​​


𖦹 calm the nervous system to a balanced state

𖦹 improve sleep and energy levels

𖦹 provide relief from pain and emotional stress

𖦹 promote recovery after a fall or accident

𖦹 release tension and restrictions

𖦹 deepen awareness of oneself and the felt-sense​​​​​​​​​​ ​


Sometimes, an injury or issue is in the foreground, but for most of us the body has accumulated layers of trauma in the muscles, fascia, membranes, bones and organs and fluids from shock, injury, illness and tension throughout our life. These layers tangle up in a complex web of patterns and dysfunction and transmit from and to each other. We cope and our body adapts and compensates. ​​

As a practitioner, meeting the body in a gentle way of non’doing, I can offer a little help by simply being a witness and allowing the inherent body wisdom to express itself to disentangle the web of dysfunction and release tensions from the system. The release of tensions not only restores the flow of energy but also effects physiology by enabling the free flow of blood, lymph, immune function and nerve supply.


My job is to provide a mirroring presence for the person’s unmet needs and patterns to be seen, heard and felt.

Fascial Unwinding is an important aspect of Craniosacral work and can be part of the treatment to help disconnected parts and energy of the body to re-integrate into the whole. The practitioner engages, allows, and follows the movement of a limb or other parts of the body to points of stillness, release and re-organization. It enables the release of trauma and restrictions in the body.


In sessions, the receiver is lying down on their back, fully clothed and with a blanket if needed. The session may take place in stillness, or involve therapeutic dialoguing, depending on the how the energy is unfolding and the needs of the receiver. ​​​​​​Treatments take place in the home of the client in the area of Nanaimo and Oceanside, BC. ​


Distant Craniosacral Sessions: The gift of Craniosacral Therapy is that physical in-person presence is not required to receive its benefits and experience energetic shifts. If you feel drawn to a distant session, please contact me. You can also learn more about this offering, that I have dedicated its own website to here.

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